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Loathsome litter bugs...

Hello everyone! This post will be quite short as it's just about something I saw when went out on a walk the other day. It made me very upset and annoyed.

Last week, my family and I were out for a walk and a group of teenage boys were sitting on the field that we always go to. This wasn't a problem until they left on their bikes, leaving all their litter on the ground! (A photo of what they left behind is above).

We would totally have picked the litter up and recycled/ disposed of it but the worry of Coronavirus prevented us from doing so. This experience made me so angry, it also made me lose hope that the current generation can come together to stop climate change. If teens can't even pick up their own litter then I do not have faith in a positive future for our planet.

The boys also mocked and laughed at my mum and I when we went over to examine the mess they had left behind. I think it is horrible that they ridiculed us for being concerned about their litter. It shows that they were almost proud of what they had done which is disgusting. They should be the opposite.

Our generation is the one that needs to make change, to save the world! If teens are just inconsiderate and leave their mess in fields and think they did nothing wrong, I have little hope (which is heartbreaking to say). Everyone should respect the environment.

Please, please don't leave your litter on the ground! Take it home and recycle it or put it in a bin, they exist for a reason! If you see any rubbish on the ground, pick it up and dispose of it if you can and if it is safe to do so.

Finally, here are a few shocking facts about litter - every piece of rubbish you drop contributes to these figures!

  • Cleaning up litter from the streets of Britain costs taxpayers around £500 million a year. That does not include the amount it costs to clean up parks and other public spaces.

  • Almost 48% of people admit to dropping litter.

  • The amount of litter dropped each year in the UK has increased by a massive 500% since the 1960s.

  • 7 out of every 10 items of discarded litter is food packaging or wrappers.

  • Around 122 tonnes of cigarette butts and cigarette-related litter is dropped every day across the UK.

  • 1.3m pieces of rubbish are dropped on UK roads every weekend. 1/3 of motorists admit to littering while they are driving.

  • The rat population has increased to 60 million due to the increasing amounts of litter.

Thank you for reading this post - sorry if it was upsetting but I feel that awareness needs to be spread.

We'll post again soon!

Stay safe,

The Eco Sisters xxx

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